Various Authors
Push for Happy: An Interactive Emotional Awareness & Regulation Children's Book
Push for Happy: An Interactive Emotional Awareness & Regulation Children's Book
Push for Happy: An Interactive Emotional Awareness + Regulation Children's Book
Push for Happy is an interactive emotional intelligence, awareness, and regulation book. It prompts children to label feelings, emotional triggers, and to put themselves into the storybook along the way. Children create their own character, drawing out body scans, by illustrating how they experience the feeling and where they feel it in their body. Children draw their triggers while thinking about how to regulate their emotions and considering the characters’ experiences.
This book was created by Tania DaSilva, a child, and youth therapist, it allows children to create a one-of-a-kind storybook, making themselves one of the main characters! It follows four friends throughout their day and their emotional ups and downs, the biggest lesson being emotions aren’t permanent and awareness helps us regulate.