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Various Books
  • How to Cook Portuguese Stuff by David Rodrigues
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    Portugal boasts one of the best cuisines in the world. But Portuguese food can also be intimidating. The days of being afraid to cook your VoVó’s favorite recipes are over, because I’m  here to measure everything out, map it out patiently, and put everything into easy to understand English! From Seafood to Meats, from Gameday foods to Desserts, I’m covering all of your favorite Portuguese recipes. Impress your friends and family alike, because I can assure you, everyone will be going back for seconds!

    Portuguese cookbook with 46 delicious easy to make recipes!

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  • Book - O Verão em que Quebrámos Todas as Regras
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    O Verão em que Quebrámos Todas as Regras

    de K. L. Walther; Tradução: Miguel Romeira 

    Editor: Editorial Presença
    Edição: julho de 2023

    Portuguese Paperback


    Há pouco mais de um ano, Meredith perdeu a sua adorada irmã, Claire. Desde então, foi abandonada pelo namorado, afastou-se de todos, deixou de sair com os amigos e não teve mais cabeça para nada. Porém, este verão, ela quer voltar a viver e está determinada a fazer tudo a que tem direito.

    Como é habitual, a grande família de Meredith prepara-se para ir até Martha's Vineyard. Este ano, até vão ter um casamento na praia, mas o que mais a entusiasma é o já tradicional jogo do Assassino que os Foxes fazem sempre, e no qual Claire adorava participar.

    Contudo, quando Meredith decide escolher Wit, irmão do noivo por afinidade, para parceiro no desafio, os seus planos começam a derrapar. Tenta concentrar-se no jogo, quer ganhá-lo em memória da irmã, mas não consegue pôr um travão nos sentimentos que a invadem. Durante aquela semana, uma tempestade varre a vida de Meredith, que pode mesmo perder o jogo… e o coração.

    Inspirada em músicas de Taylor Swift, esta história mostra-nos que, às vezes, há coisas que temos mesmo de deixar para trás, porque, sob o sol, há uma palavra quente e doce como o verão - felicidade.

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  • Néveda in the Americas (PT & ENG)
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    Néveda in the Americas (PT & ENG)



    A nova aventura da menina Néveda apresenta-nos a um novo meio de transporte e uma viajem pelas Américas. Do Canadá, passando por alguns lugares nos Estados Unidos, México, Brasil e terminando no Uruguai, a Néveda aprende sobre lugares, arte e muita cultura em geral.

    conto/story: Terry Costa
    ilustração/illustration: Vera Bettencourt

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  • Música, Maestro! (português & english)
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    Children's Book

    MÚSICA, MAESTRO! por Terry Costa, ilustrado por Sara Batista & Ivo Baptista Aka 47

    A relação entre professor e aluno num conto de fantasia. Um livro para a criança em todos nós.

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  • The Boy Who Wanted to See the Blue Whale Passing in the Azores (Portuguese)
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    Children's Book in Portuguese

    "Este livro ilustrado convida-nos a embarcar rumo à ilha do Pico. (...) é um convite à descoberta do arquipélago e à proteção da vida marinha em todas as idades." - TIME OUT PORTUGAL

    No conto de Isabel Mateus com ilustrações de Filipe Gomes, reaviva-se por certo a memória da tradicional caça à baleia praticada nos Açores que, desde o século XIX, foi o ganha-pão de muitas famílias das ilhas. E persegue-se, sobretudo, o sonho novo de um presente com futuro: a preservação das baleias através de uma observação responsável. Os sucessivos diálogos ao longo da narrativa entre o avô, que fora baleeiro no Pico, e o neto, que já nascera depois que essa faina fora proibida, em 1984, falam precisamente desse sonho do menino: ver a baleia-azul a passar nos Açores. Porém, esse desejo profundo e urgente revela-se uma façanha difícil de concretizar quando tal aventura depende do velho bote a remos do avô, das boas ou más condições climatéricas e, mormente, da dificuldade em avistar este mamífero tão raro, porque ainda em vias de extinção. De resto, foi apenas durante a terceira saída para o mar que o rapazote viu ao natural talvez o maior animal que alguma vez existiu na Terra. Na atualidade, e antecipando-se à atividade turística "Whale Watching", o menino, que entretanto se tornou adulto, mostra já ao leme da sua embarcação, durante a primavera e o verão, que é quando esta espécie de baleia faz a sua passagem migratória pelos Açores, a baleia-azul a todos.

    "Ao ler este livro, mirei-me ao espelho do tempo. E nesse retrovisor senti-me, de novo, criança. As brincadeiras no Porto das Ribeiras. Na casa dos botes, em cima do cais, nas poças, à beira mar, em cima da ponte, por entre barcos varados sobre a rampa e gentes a escarafunchar em vidas encardidas.
    Os pés de menino fincados nas pedras lisas do porto. Os olhos a varrer o mar de lés a lés, presos à Ponta do Morricão, na Calheta de Nesquim. A ânsia e a espera. O coração aos solavancos dentro do peito. A saudade entalada entre as tábuas de um batel de boca aberta. Os barcos que vão chegando, entre bonançarias e borrascas. A alegria e o encantamento a tomarem conta dos filhos dos pescadores. O barco encostado à escaleira e os beijos apressados, com sabor a sal e a sol, nos rostos secos e luminosos dos nossos pais. Peixe até aos bancos. A alegria estampada nos olhos de todos nós. O sonho, a fantasia e a imaginação à revelia. A realidade rapidamente transformada em jogo. Botes baleeiros e lanchas da baleia, feitos com canas da costa. Arriadas, perseguições, arpoamentos, capturas e reboques até fábricas imaginárias. Gestos, mitos e lendas de mares de baleias e de baleeiros a riscar, na ardósia da memória, um tempo de viver. Reinvenção de histórias e de contos de um mar feiticeiro, contados ao colo doce dos nossos pais e avós. E a ilha, toda inteira, à solta, aos pulos, dentro do olhar de uma criança.
    Irmãos do peito, continuamos a olhar para as grandes baleias como personagens principais do mar açoriano, e português, que nos corre nas veias e na massa do sangue da história."
    Manuel Francisco Costa Júnior, Diretor do Museu do Pico

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  • Portugal’s Daughter by Patricia Ferreira Lopez
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    Follow the extraordinary journey of an immigrant father and his beloved daughter as they settle in a new land. Together they navigate the milestones of life with sweet reminders of their rich Portuguese culture and heritage.


    Published January 1, 2023

    This edition


    January 1, 2023 by Amelie Blue Books


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  • The New Portuguese Table by David Leite
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    Penguin Random House

    The New Portuguese Table by David Leite


    n The New Portuguese Table, David Leite provides a contemporary look at the flavorful food of this gastronomic region, sharing both the beloved classics he remembers from cooking at his grandmother’s side, such as Slowly Simmered White Beans and Sausage, as well as modern dishes defining the country today, like Olive Oil–Poached Fresh Cod with Roasted Tomato Sauce. With full-color photographs throughout and a contemporary perspective, The New Portuguese Table is the definitive handbook of the exciting cuisine of Portugal.

    Nestled between the Atlantic Ocean and Spain, Portugal is today’s hot-spot vacation destination, and world travelers are enthralled by the unique yet familiar cuisine of this country. The New Portuguese Table looks at this fascinating country's 11 surprisingly different historical regions, as well as the island of Madeira and the Azores, and their food culture, traditional dishes, and wines. This book also showcases Portugal's pantry of go-to ingredients, such as smoked sausages, peppers, cilantro, seafood, olive oil, garlic, beans, tomatoes, and bay leaves—all common in American kitchens and now combined in innovative ways.

    7.82 "W x 10.27 "H x 0.84 "D


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  • Book-Portuguese Phrasebook
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    Penguin Random House

    Book-Portuguese Phrasebook


    An indispensable, fully up-to-date phrasebook for travellers to both Portugal and Brazil, in a pocket-size format and beautiful cover design This newly revised and updated Portuguese Phrase Book contains a wealth of useful words and phrases for travellers in both Portugal and Brazil, with a particular emphasis on Brazilian Portuguese. The book includes basic grammar, a pronunciation guide, additional vocabulary and phrases to suit every place, event and situation. Clearly presented and easy to use, it is the perfect pocket-sized travelling companion. - Essential phrases for travel, eating out, shopping, sightseeing - Numbers, times and dates - Pronunciation given - Grammar basics and vocabulary list - Designed for use in both Brazil and Portugal - Particular emphasis on Brazilian Portuguese
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  • Book - Portugal, The Cookbook: Leandro Carreira
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    Celebrate Portugal’s vibrant, globally-influenced and highly influential food culture via more than 550 classic and contemporary recipes from the acclaimed chef Leandro Carreira

    With its diverse cuisine and intriguing culinary history, Portugal is a top travel destination for food lovers worldwide. Portugal: The Cookbook gathers together dishes from every region of the country, including fish and shellfish dishes from the Algarve coast, hearty stews from the Douro Valley, and the famous and beloved pastries of Lisbon. Acclaimed chef Leandro Carreira has researched more than 550 traditional recipes for home cooks that encapsulate the breadth and diversity of the food of Portugal, a country whose immense culinary influence has spread far beyond its borders.


    • Format: Hardback
    • Size: 270 x 180 mm (10 5/8 x 7 1/8 in)
    • Pages: 448 pp
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  • Book - All About Lisbon by Maria Ribeiro da Fonseca
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    Bertrand Livreiros

    Book - All About Lisbon by Maria Ribeiro da Fonseca

    $35.00 $20.00

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    Do you know what Julius Caesar, Vasco da Gama, Fernando Pessoa, James Bond and Queen Elizabeth II have in common? They are all linked to the history of Lisbon! That’s right, Lisbon is a fascinating city! Throughout its more than 2000 year history, it welcomed Romans, Arabs and other civilizations, was the starting point for the Age of Discovery, which made Portugal one of the most influential countries on earth and even served as inspiration for the legendary British spy, James Bond. Today it is very much in fashion and a favorite destination for travelers from all over the world! This is not a history book but a compelling collection of engaging stories and fun-filled facts that will help you get to know Lisbon while testing your adventurous spirit and endless curiosity! At the end, there are several suggestions of things to do and places to visit with your family, as well as a little diary where you can jot down your memories.

    Awaken the young explorer in you and embark on an amazing voyage of discovery as you explore this wonderful city! 


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  • Book - The High Mountains of Portugal
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    Penguin Random House

    Book - The High Mountains of Portugal


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    With this highly anticipated new novel, the author of the bestselling Life of Pi returns to the storytelling power and luminous wisdom of his master novel.

    The High Mountains of Portugal is a suspenseful, mesmerizing story of a great quest for meaning, told in three intersecting narratives touching the lives of three different people and their families, and taking us on an extraordinary journey through the last century. We begin in the early 1900s, when Tomás discovers an ancient journal and sets out from Lisbon in one of the very first motor cars in Portugal in search of the strange treasure the journal describes. Thirty-five years later, a pathologist devoted to the novels of Agatha Christie, whose wife has possibly been murdered, finds himself drawn into the consequences of Tomás's quest. Fifty years later, Senator Peter Tovy of Ottawa, grieving the death of his own beloved wife, rescues a chimpanzee from an Oklahoma research facility and takes it to live with him in his ancestral village in northern Portugal, where the strands of all three stories miraculously mesh together.
         Beautiful, witty and engaging, Yann Martel's new novel offers us the same tender exploration of the impact and significance of great love and great loss, belief and unbelief, that has marked all his brilliant, unexpected novels.

    Paperback Edition

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  • Book - Anthony De Sa - Children of the Moon
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    Penguin Random House

    Book - Anthony De Sa - Children of the Moon


    From celebrated author Anthony De Sa comes a raw and compelling novel of love, war and the heartbreaking effects of memory.

    "'You must listen to my words. You must promise to tell my story the way I have shared it with you.'"

    Tanzania, 1956. A Maasai woman gives birth to a child with albinism. The child is seen as a curse upon her tribe, and so begins Pó's tumultuous story. As Pó navigates the world, she must claim her life in the face of violence and ostracism.

    Further south, in Portuguese-controlled Mozambique, Ezequiel struggles for acceptance too. Adopted by missionaries, he is not recognized by his Portuguese father's community, or by his Makonde mother's tribe. When civil war erupts, he must choose who to fight for and who to leave behind.

    Pó and Zeca come together in a time of momentous change. Love connects these two outsiders, forcing them to confront the shattering impact of colonialism and war. Children of the Moon is a stunning and unforgettable exploration of the love of two people at once bound and separated by forces beyond their control.

    Paperback Edition

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  • Children's Book - Néveda in Azores
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    Paperback Children's Book:  "Néveda in Azores" is a bilingual (PT/ENG) illustrated book about a flower girl that travels all nine islands of Azores. A story for the child in all of us.

    Text and characters: Terry Costa
    Illustrations: Vera Bettencourt
    Edition: Miratecarts, 2019

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  • Book - Push for Happy: An Interactive Emotional Awareness & Regulation Children's Book
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    Push for Happy: An Interactive Emotional Awareness + Regulation Children's Book

    Push for Happy is an interactive emotional intelligence, awareness, and regulation book. It prompts children to label feelings, emotional triggers, and to put themselves into the storybook along the way. Children create their own character, drawing out body scans, by illustrating how they experience the feeling and where they feel it in their body. Children draw their triggers while thinking about how to regulate their emotions and considering the characters’ experiences.

    This book was created by Tania DaSilva, a child, and youth therapist, it allows children to create a one-of-a-kind storybook, making themselves one of the main characters! It follows four friends throughout their day and their emotional ups and downs, the biggest lesson being emotions aren’t permanent and awareness helps us regulate. 

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  • Book - Anthony De Sa, Kicking the Sky
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    Penguin Random House

    Book - Anthony De Sa, Kicking the Sky


    Anthony De Sa's novel of rare evocative power that captures the space between innocence and knowing--for a city, for a community and most especially for a trio of unforgettable boys.

         On a steamy summer day in 1977, Emanuel Jaques was shining shoes in downtown Toronto. Surrounded by the strip clubs, bars and body rub parlors of Yonge Street, Emanuel was lured away from his friends by a man who promised some easy money. Four days later the boy's body was discovered. He had been brutally raped and murdered, and Toronto the Good would never be the same. The murder of the Shoeshine Boy had particularly tragic resonance for the city's Portuguese community. The loss of one of their own symbolized for many how far they were from realizing their immigrant dreams.
         Kicking the Sky is told from the perspective of one of these children, Antonio Rebelo, a character first introduced in Barnacle Love. Twelve-year-old Antonio prizes his life of freedom and adventure. He and his best friends, Manny and Ricky, spend their days on their bikes exploring the labyrinth of laneways that link their Portuguese neighborhood to the rest of the city. But as the details of Emanuel's death expose Toronto's seedier underbelly, the boys are pulled into an adult world of danger and cruelty, secrets and lies much closer to home.
         Kicking the Sky is a novel driven by dramatic events, taking hold of readers from its opening pages, intensifying its force towards an ending of huge emotional impact.

    Paperback Edition

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  • Book - Barnacle Love by Anthony De Sa
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    Penguin Random House

    Book - Barnacle Love by Anthony De Sa


    Barnacle Love, Paperback, By Anthony De Sa

    Shortlisted for the 2008 Scotiabank Giller Prize

    Like Wayson Choy and David Bezmozgis before him, Anthony De Sa captures, in stories brimming with life, the innocent dreams and bitter disappointments of the immigrant experience.

    At the heart of this collection of intimately linked stories is the relationship between a father and his son. A young fisherman washes up nearly dead on the shores of Newfoundland. It is Manuel Rebelo who has tried to escape the suffocating smallness of his Portuguese village and the crushing weight of his mother’s expectations to build a future for himself in a terra nova. Manuel struggles to shed the traditions of a village frozen in time and to silence the brutal voice of Maria Theresa da Conceicao Rebelo, but embracing the promise of his adopted land is not as simple as he had hoped.

    Manuel’s son, Antonio, is born into Toronto’s little Portugal, a world of colourful houses and labyrinthine back alleys. In the Rebelo home the Church looms large, men and women inhabit sharply divided space, pigs are slaughtered in the garage, and a family lives in the shadow cast by a father’s failures. Most days Antonio and his friends take to their bikes, pushing the boundaries of their neighbourhood street by street, but when they finally break through to the city beyond they confront dangers of a new sort.

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