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Jose Gourmet

Jose Gourmet - Codfish in Olive Oil with Garlic

Jose Gourmet - Codfish in Olive Oil with Garlic

Regular price $17.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $17.00 USD
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To talk about cod is to dive in a deeply rooted tradition in Portugal. For a long time, only salted and dried cod deserved full attention. But enthusiasm for canned food started to increase gradually. Caught in the North East Atlantic, the cod we use to prepare our cans is paired with olive oil and garlic, thus preserving the traditional combination of this Portuguese dish.

Once upon a time, an olive tree decided to stand by the sea, hoping to spot a codfish. She waited, and waited, and waited some more…but none was to be seen! So patiently did she wait that she forgot to shed her leaves. Finally, she sighted a similar fish, but its head was different. Its head looked like a garlic bulb. The olive tree held on to her best olives and offered her the best oil, as she would do every time somebody came ashore.


Made in Portugal

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